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Granada Deed Restrictions

When you purchased your home in Granada, you should have received a copy of the deed restrictions applicable to your property and your particular section in which your property is located. 


Technically, each section can vote on and form a volunteer Architectural Committee to help homeowners plan property improvements and renovations. These committees, if formed, are used by homeowners for advisement about their deed restrictions and consent to their plans. It is recommended that homeowners review their plans with their immediate neighbors, as it is the responsibility of property owners to enforce deed restrictions, legally or otherwise. 


Neither the HOA, nor formed Architectural Committees, have the standing or resources to directly enforce deed restriction violations. Neighbors are encouraged to work out deed restriction problems before pursuing legal action. 

Granada Estates Section 1

Granada Estates Section 2
Granada Estates Sections 3&5
Granada Estates Section 4
Granada Estates Section 6
Granada Hills Amended
GH Plat Map

Austin, TX 78737, USA


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